Our research team is planning to submit a proposal to the National Cancer Institute. We seek continued support for the power and sample size software, GLIMMPSE, as well as this website and related training opportunities.
We know that letters of support from scientists will increase our chances of being funded. If you are willing to write such a letter, we would be grateful.
Should you choose to write a letter of support:
- please use your professional letterhead,
- indicate your scientific applications for GLIMMPSE,
- highlight any applications in cancer research, and
- mention any related external funding such as NIH, PCORI, CDC or AHRQ.
Please email letters of support to kmuller@ufl.edu.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email kmuller@ufl.edu and please cc mzamperlini1@ufl.edu.
We appreciate your support.
Current Funding
Copyright 2017 University of Colorado Denver. GLIMMPSE is released under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
GLIMMPSE is currently funded by NIH/NIGMS 9R01GM121081 to the University of Colorado Denver (Dana Dabelea, Deborah H. Glueck, Keith E. Muller MPI), and by NIH/NIGMS 5R25GM111901 to the University of Florida (Deborah H. Glueck, Keith E. Muller MPI). Explanatory material mirrors material developed for NIH/NLM 5G13LM011879, awarded to the University of Florida (Deborah H. Glueck, Keith E. Muller, MPI).
Previous funding was provided by NIH/NIDCR 1 R01 DE020832-01A1 to the University of Florida (Keith E. Muller, PI; Deborah Glueck, University of Colorado site PI) and by an American Recovery and Re-investment Act supplement (3K07CA088811-06S) for NIH/NCI grant K07CA088811, awarded to the University of Colorado Denver (Deborah H. Glueck, PI).